home brew steroid

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How to Choose the Syringe Filter to Home-brew Steroids Powders

FAQ for choosing the syringe filter to steroids powders home-brewing: 1) Is it necessary to have a .22 um to have a sterile solution or the .45 gives acceptable results concerning the dangers of bacteria ? I would point out that I heat the solution at 100°C before for most type of steroid. Necessary.. Hmmm.. No, not really. We used to use …

How to Make Equipoise 200mg per ml from Boldenone Undecylenate

How to Make Equipoise 200mg/ml : step by step making Equipoise 200mg/ml Here’s a recipe for making 50ml of 200mg/ml EQ (Boldenone Undeclyanate). Preparation work: Clean off area you are workin on with rubbing alchol and a cloth. Go wash hands with antibacterial soap. Set up all ingredients needed, for this experiment it’ll be the following: 10g Boldenone Undeclynate “Powder” 7.5ml …

How to Cook Steroid Powder: Convert Steroids Powders into an Injectable Steroid

How to Cook Steroid Powder into Steroid Injection: Step by step home brew steroid 1. Convert Steroids Powders into an Injectable Steroid This steroids conversion is meant for the longer estered anabolic steroids such as deca durabolin,testosterone enanthate ect. This is a very easy conversion method. Please keep your area as sterile as possiable. The more sterile you are when …

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