» Raw Steroid Powder » Primobolan Powder » Methenolone Enanthate Powder Primobolan Depot Steroid Raws

Methenolone Enanthate Powder Primobolan Depot Steroid Raws

  • Description

Methenolone Enanthate Powder Primobolan Depot Steroid Raws

Methenolone Enanthate / Primobolan Depot Powder Basci Chemical Info
CAS : 303-42-4
Molecular Formula: C27H42O3
Molecular Weight: 414.62
Appearance: White or almost white crystalline powder.

What is Primobolan Depot Methenolone Enanthate ?

Metenolone enanthate, or methenolone enanthate, is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT)-based anabolic-androgenic steroid. It is an ester derivative of metenolone sold commonly under the brand name Primobolan Depot (injectable). When it interacts with the aromatase enzyme it does not form any estrogens. It is used by people who are very susceptible to estrogenic side effects, having lower estrogenic properties than nandrolone. Metenolone, in form of enanthate and acetate, is available as an injection or as an oral formulation, respectively.

The injection is regarded as having a higher bioavailability. It is an enanthate ester which is quite long-acting. Because it by-passes hepatic breakdown on the first pass, it also has a higher survival rate. The tablets are in a short-lived acetate form. Metenolone is not 17-alpha-alkylated, but 1-methylated for oral bioavailability. This reduces the stress on the liver, but also the availability. In doses of 200 mg per week or less (intramuscular) blood pressure is rarely altered.

Methenolone Enanthate / Primobolan Depot Use :

Primobolan Depot represents one of the more popular anabolic steroids in performance enhancing circles, especially bodybuilding due to the Arnold Schwarzenegger stigma that surrounds it.
As a bulking steroid in an off-season plan, Primobolan Depot is generally not the best choice. The steroid simply isn’t well-suited for a significant promotion in lean tissue mass. However, this is a steroid that cannot promote water retention as it lacks any estrogenic activity. Due to this fact any weight gained due to use will be 100% pure lean muscle mass, it simply may not be all that much.

Primobolan Depot can also be a good steroid for athletic enhancement. It has the ability to promote increases in strength and will have a positive affect on muscular endurance and recovery. Equally important, as it’s not a powerful mass builder this can make it a great choice for many athletes. Many athletes don’t want to gain a lot of mass if any at all. In some cases, added mass may hinder performance. More importantly, staying away from rapid increases in muscle mass will protect the athlete from prying and suspicious eyes.

Methenolone Enanthate / Primobolan Depot cycle or dosage reviews

Effective Dose: (Men) 350-600mgs/week;
(Women) 100mgs/week
Active Life: 10-14 days
Detection Time: 4-5 weeks

In a therapeutic setting the standard male Primobolan Depot dose will fall in the 100-200mg per week range. Initial therapy often begins with 200mg per week and is reduced to 100mg per week after a little time has passed. In some cases, the dose may be reduced as far as 100mg every 2 weeks. For the male athlete, 300mg per week is normally considered the low end dose. However, 200mg per week will provide catabolic protection during a cutting phase, but 300mg per week will be far more effective. As this is a relatively mild anabolic steroid, most men will find they can tolerate 400-500mg per week very well. Even 600mg per week should be well within the realm of control for most men. Doses above 600mg per week are not uncommon, but keep in mind doses that fall in the 600mg or above range will potentially exasperate the androgenic activity of the steroid. Regardless of the total dosing, 8-12 weeks of total use is normally recommended. As for stacking, Primobolan Depot will stack well with most all anabolic steroids. As it will most commonly be used during the cutting phase steroids like Anavar, Masteron, Trenbolone and Winstrol are all common additions.


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