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A Complete Guide to Know Epistane

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If you are a bodybuilder or if you are a weightlifting buff then there is a high chance that you have heard of epistane. It has a remarkable ability to boost any strength gains that you have and it can also take your muscle mass up to that next level as well. If you are not entirely convinced that you need to use epistane then you may be missing out and it is especially useful if you want to try and achieve any bodybuilding goals that you have. If you want to find out everything you need to know about this product and what it has to offer then take a look below.


What Exactly Is Epistane?

Epistane is normally referred to as being “Epi” and it is a prohormone. It is actually a member of the DHT family and it shares a lot of similar features. The prohormone is listed as being non-progestanic in nature and it has a melting point of over 130 degrees. It is very crucial for you to understand that unlike anabolic steroids, epi does not have to be injected into the body to get things going. It is more than possible for you to take this orally and this makes the whole thing way more convenient. You won’t have to worry about injecting and it is very easy for you to keep on top of the whole thing. Of course, if you want to start getting considerable gains then this is certainly the way for you to go and it can also help you to keep up with the synthesis of the protein that is in the body as well. This essentially means that you get a distinct increase in the strength levels that you have, and if you want to see some improvements in the gym then this is certainly the way to go.

If you want to get an idea of how epi works then you are not alone. A lot of people are curious about this and the whole process is actually really simple. Epi works by binding to the androgen receptors that are in the body. These receptors can be found in the muscle stem cells and it can also be found in the skeletal muscle cells as well. When this happens, the androgen receptors then send a ton of messages to the cells that are in the body. These messages then tell the cells to try and boost the retention of nitrogen and protein. This helps you to improve your strength and your muscle mass as well, so this is a really important thing that you have to understand. Epi has been tested in a number of studies and it can also help you to avoid any anti-oestrogen effects as well. It even has the ability to aromatise as well and on top of this, it isn’t an aromatise inhibitor in any way shape or form.

If you have too much oestrogen in the body then this can make you gain weight and it can also cause a lot of water retention. On top of this, you may feel uncomfortable because you are always bloated and when you use epi it is more than possible for you to avoid all of these issues. This is just one of the many reasons why bodybuilders continue to choose this prohormone as their number one choice and it is also used by a lot of inexperienced bodybuilders as well. This is mostly because it is so easy to take and some experienced professionals may even compare it to Winstrol and Turinabol.

So Epi has become very popular and it is known as being a cutting cycle agent. This means that it can give you a lot of benefits in one but if you are a woman and you plan on bodybuilding then it is not recommended. If you are a man however, you should have no problems at all in using this product.


The History of Epistane

Epi is considered to be a very new addition to the line-up of prohormones and it was actually developed by Japan in 1966. It was called methepitiostane originally. The first use of it stemmed from the fact that researchers wanted to create something that would become a methylated version of the well-known product mepitiostane. The idea was that it could be taken orally and that it could even be used with Nolvadex to try and fight breast cancer. It would work by trying to fight off some of the excess hormone levels in the body while also limiting oestrogen production as well.

Tests revealed that even though it does have anti-oestrogen abilities, it also has a significant level of anabolic ability as well. On top of this, it also has androgenic properties as well. Research findings show that this prohormone has a 1100:91 anabolic-androgenic rating. If you don’t know anything about this, then you’ll be interested to know that it is better used as a cutter rather than a bulking product. It is more than possible for you to get dry gains from this. The main reason epistane did not take off is because it only really began to get a following when it was reintroduced to the market as a diet supplement. This was only in 2006 and ever since then it has been remarketed under RPN Havoc. Epi has fortified its strong position as being the best and most popular prohormone to go for, whether you are experienced or not. It has even earnt the title of being the best one for you to try if you want opt for the dry version as well. When you do take Epi, you really can get that rock-hard look and this is ideal if you want to try and take part in a competition.


Immediate Benefits of Epistane

If you want to try and start taking epi then you may want to learn some of the immediate benefits that you get when you first get started. You’ll find that epi can give you a lot of hard muscle gains and it can also promote that dry look as well. If you want to see an overall improvement in your strength then this is ideal and if you have any unwanted fat then this is ideal at shedding all of that. If you need to try and bulk up without losing your libido then you’ll be glad to know that this is also the ideal option for that so you really won’t have any problems at all when you do get started.


Epistane Side Effects

Like anything, Epi does have some side effects but you won’t experience the run-of-the-mill effects you normally would when you do take prohormones. You won’t experience aggression and you won’t be prone to acne outbreaks either. On top of this, you won’t lose your hair and this is ideal if you are new to the bodybuilding industry. It is a possibility that you will lose a bit of your libido, but not as much as you would with other prohormones. You may also experience dry joints and lethargy if you start nearing the end of the cycle. This is only really the case if you are sensitive to Epi however and not many people experience these side effects at all. If you want to try and protect yourself against all of this then this is very easy for you to do and all you have to do is add an androgen such as Stano to your cycle. It is very recommended that you use on-cycle support so that you can get the best results from this and you may also want to have a post-cycle therapy as well.


The Epistane Cycle

Like all prohormones out there, the results that you get from Epi will all depend on how well you are able to get the cycle going. If you want to try and maximise your performance then you will want to follow the below guide in order to get started.


Epistane Dosing

If you are using Epi for the very first time then you will want to use around 30mg every single day. This hormone usually comes in a pill form and every pill is 10mg each. With an average half-life you will want to dose around three times every day. This can be done every 7 hours and you will want to take the first one as soon as you wake up. You will want to do this for around 4 weeks in total, so do keep that in mind.

If you are experienced when it comes to using Epi then you will absolutely be able to boost your dose to 40mg. You need to take two on waking and then you will want to take one before you go to the gym as well. You will want to run this cycle for a total of 6 weeks if you want to get the best results. Some people are known for taking 60mg a day however this is only recommended if you are very experienced.


Epistane Supplements

If you want to cycle Epi yourself then you may have noticed that it is very hard to find. It is possible for you to find a couple of outlets that sell it, however it’s important to make sure that they are reputable before you start using it. Even though Epi doesn’t set off as many side effects when compared, it’s still really important that you use it with a cycle. Having a PCT will also help you to stave off any loss of gains and even water retention. It will also stop you from developing gynecomastia as well.

So as you can see, Epistane is a great choice if you are new to the bodybuilding industry but it is also great for experienced users as well. Why don’t you go out and try it for yourself today to see what results you could achieve?


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