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A Guide To Know Methylstenbolone / M-Sten

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A Guide To Know Methylstenbolone / M-Sten

Methylstenbolone is derived from a prohormone and it has the ability to give you gains that are absolutely huge and the best thing is, you won’t have to worry about any muscle loss or water retention at any point. It’s important to know that Methylstenbolone was brought to the market by a company known as Antaenus Labs. They started out by developing a product called Ultradrol and this helped to maintain the need that people had for this kind of product. At this point however, nobody really knew that Methylstenbolone was out or even that it existed. They just thought that Ultradrol was the only product out there. The two most common nomenclatures for the product known as Methylstenbolone are out there on the internet for you to find, and this makes the whole product very reputable when you look at it as a whole.

The Benefits of Methylstenbolone 

There are plenty of benefits available when you take Methylstenbolone. Some of the benefits include the fact that you can get a huge increase in mass and size. When you look at drugs such as superdrol, you will find that it doesn’t give you any water retention at all and this means that you can bulk up without having to worry about any of the awkward side effects. On top of this, you also won’t lose any muscle definition either. When you look at the amount of people who choose to use Methylstenbolone, you will find that most actually prefer it over other products such as superdrol and this is just one of the many reasons why it is so popular at the moment.

Methylstenbolone and Oestrogen

As stated, it is a known fact that Methylstenbolone comes from DHT. This means that it is impossible to aromatise it when it is in the body. This essentially means that Methylstenbolone cannot convert to oestrogen even if it wanted to. That being said, that doesn’t mean that you won’t experience any of these side effects at all, it just means that they are not as likely to happen. Of course, it’s important for you to make sure that your hormonal balances are well under control. It also helps to make sure that you document any side effects as well as this can really help you to get the whole thing under control.

Methylstenbolone and the Liver

Methylstenbolone is a methylated compound and this means that it does not have a high chance of being metabolised. That being said, it does mean that it is toxic to the liver and this means that you need to watch out for this happening. Cycle support is required when you are taking this product and the main reason for that is because it is potentially one of the most dangerous compounds on the market. It is also very toxic and it can cause users to really experience elevated blood pressure levels as well. It can also cause you to experience an increased blood pressure and this can put pressure on the liver so this is something that you need to watch out for. On top of this, it can also put a great deal of stress on the body’s own endocrine system. This is the part of the body that lets hormones into the blood stream, so keeping an eye on this is crucial to understand.

Post Cycle Therapy

A lot of people who take Methylstenbolone wonder if they need to go through post cycle therapy or not. The truth is that you need to go through a post cycle therapy when you take this product and the reason for this is because it is such a strong product. If you do take this product then your body will be going through a very high, very strong hormone level. For this reason, you have to make sure that you boost the production back to normal before you can really go on to achieve anything. In addition to this, you will also need to try and regulate the body work that you do before you get started with your cycle. During your cycle, your body will be put under an intense amount of stress, and you really need to recoup your liver to try and help it to recover. If you do the hormone cycle without the recovery cycle after then you may lose your gains and you may also go on to experience low testosterone, no sex drive and depression. This can all be avoided if you are willing to put the effort in to really make the most out of your gains.

Using Methylstenbolone

When you do use Methylstenbolone, you should take note that the cycles are run for a total of 4 weeks or more. This is actually the suggested amount but if you are advanced in the world of bodybuilding then you will have the option to do it for much longer. If you are a new user then you can easily use 4-8mg a week, before you increase it to 8-12mg a week. If you are experienced, you can then take 8mg a week and then take up to 12, before increasing it to 20mg for the last week. Of course, Methylstenbolone has the ability to work very fast and for that reason, you will start to experience some of the effects in the first week or two.

Side Effects of Methylstenbolone 

You may run into side effects when you take Methylstenbolone but there is a high chance that you will be able to avoid all this if you choose to take it properly. As mentioned above, it is possible for you to experience depression but this is only the case if you do not follow it up with a post cycle. You may also go on to experience depression, lethargy, back bumps, aggression and more. If you want to avoid these then try and take the lowest possible dose. It is possible for you to lower the chance of you experiencing back bumps by using taurine. The least common side effect for those who choose to take this product includes gyno.

Methylstenbolone Results

Results really are based on you as a user. A lot of users have reported that they have gained 20lbs of lean mass but other users have reported gains of 5lbs instead. This is especially the case if they are following a very strict diet. This is especially the case if they are dieting very intensively. It also helps to have a clean bill of health as well. Of course, if you are not willing to monitor your caloric intake then you won’t see results that are as good as they could have been. That being said, a lot of users have reported that they have way more additional fat loss when compared to other products.

Drug Testing

If you are at risk for having a drug test or if you are concerned that you will show up if you choose to take Methylstenbolone then you need to take into account your usage and when you are going to be using it. Methylstenbolone should only show up if you are taking a test that will monitor your prohormone levels and you have nothing to worry about if you are doing a narcotic task or anything else similar. If you do have a test done for any prescription medication then you need to chat with your doctor before you do go ahead and take any prohormones. It also helps to avoid any stimulants if you do take prohormones like Methylstenbolone as well. The reason for this is because it can put way more stress on the body. As always, if you do choose to take Methylstenbolone then you need to avoid alcohol at all cost.

What Exactly is Methylstenbolone?

When you look at Methylstenbolone, you will find that it is derived from dihydrotestosterone and this is otherwise known as DHT. This is designed to increase your size, your mass, your strength and more. This means that you can easily reach the goals that you have and it can also help you to go that extra mile with the goals that you have in mind for your own future as well. Methylstenbolone is anabolic as mentioned above but it really is not similar to the other anabolic steroids that are out there. If you are tested for steroids then you will still go on to achieve great results. It is very fast-acting and you can easily see results after a couple of weeks. It is more than possible for you to gain over 25lbs of muscle in a week alone, and this is incredible when you take a look at the time frame.


Methylstenbolone can give you a ton of benefits and this is especially the case when you look at the prohormone counterparts that are out there. What’s interesting is that your body will have the chance to retain too much water when it’s cycling but with Methylstenbolone, this is kept to a minimum. You can essentially bulk up as much as you want without having to run the risk of going through all of that. Of course, it’s important to know that when you do take Methylstenbolone, you’ll see that it doesn’t have an affinity for being a progesterone receptor and you also won’t have to convert to an estrogenic metabolite either when it is absorbed by the body itself. If you want to cut a long story short then you’ll see that you can easily take bulking to that next level and you won’t even have to lose any definition as you go along either. Methylstenbolone really did not get the attention that it needed, or deserved until superdrol was banned. It was only then that people started to look into it seriously and from that point, people have never looked back. If you are completely new to this product then you have to take it easy and you also have to really take the time to get to know this product and how it is going to change you. When you are able to digest this information you can then go on to achieve way better results and it also means that you can get the results you need as well.

If you want to find out more about Methylstenbolone or if you want to know how it can benefit you then you need to contact a reputable Methylstenbolone provider. When you do this, you can easily find out everything you have ever wanted to know and you can also find out how easy it is for you to really get the results you need. If you have any concerns then it’s worth looking into this product and it is also worth trying to find out if any medication that you are taking is going to affect this.

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